Blueberries grow best on a sunny site in sandy peat soil, but they also do well in heavy soils if they are well-drained, aerated, high in organic matter and receive adequate moisture. The most important requirement for growing blueberries is acidic soil. If a soil pH is greater than 5 but less than 7, its acidity can be increased by applications of sulfur or acid peat. Soil acidity increases very slowly after applying sulfur. It is impractical to reduce the pH of alkaline soils (pH>7) low enough to grow blueberries. Blueberries suffer winter injury when the minimum temperature is lower than –29˚C. For best results, blueberries need a frost-free growing season of at least 140 days. Blueberry plants are self-pollinated, but berry size is larger with cross-pollination from another cultivar.

Agroleaf Power Agroleaf Power High P
Agroleaf Power High P is a foliar feed designed for tuber initiation in potatoes and for better root development in re-established vegetable transplants. It also enhances blossoming and prevents abortions in fruit crops.

Agroleaf Power Agroleaf Power Total
Agroleaf Power Total is a premium water soluble foliar feed with all essential elements. It contains the Everris M-77® chelated trace element and stimulant package for optimum uptake through the foliage.

Agroleaf Power Agroleaf Power High K
Agroleaf Power High K is a premium water soluble foliar feed. It is equipped with Everris’ patented M-77 chelated trace element and stimulant package to allow for optimum foliar nutrient uptake.