Sportsmaster CRF Mini


Sportsmaster CRF Mini


It does so through a combination of conventional and coated fertilizer technologies releasing Nitrogen at separate intervals.
The Poly-S technology in the Mini-line ensures for regular growth without any surges. However the uncoated material in the fertilizer gives the turf an immediate boost to trigger a quick visual startup.
A large amount of mini-granules are applied per square meter to ensure the turf density is boosted. The Sportmaster CRF Mini has a high analyses and a low application rate can be used. This makes it more cost-effective as less kilos of the fertilizer are needed to treat the same area



Sportsmaster CRF Mini contains a combination of controlled release fertilizer technology with compound granular fertilizers. This controlled release technology leads to regular growth without growth peaks. The uncoated portion of this fertilizer allows an immediate response of the turf.

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Spring Starter

Sportsmaster CRF Mini contains a combination of controlled release fertilizer technology with compound granular fertilizers. This controlled release technology leads to regular growth without growth peaks. The uncoated portion of this fertilizer allows an immediate response of the turf.

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Stress Control

Sportsmaster CRF Mini contains a combination of controlled release fertilizer technology with compound granular fertilizers. This controlled release technology leads to regular growth without growth peaks. The uncoated portion of this fertilizer allows an immediate response of the turf.

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